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Climate Watch provides valuable climate news information and insights on climate change to facilitate informed decision-making and action.

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Climate Watch uses data visualization, analytics, and interactive features to present comprehensive and up-to-date climate news information.

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According to a recent analysis titled “Gross Domestic Climate Risk,” nine Indian states, including Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, and Punjab, are among the top …

The first G20 Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group (ECSWG) meeting came to a successful conclusion in Bengaluru last week, with all G20 nations …

According to a recent analysis by market intelligence platform Tracxn, EV start-ups in India raised $1.66 billion in total in 2022, an increase of …

The initiatives were part of the recommendations from the regional workshop conducted in Saly, Senegal, from February 6 to 8, according to a statement …

These articles in Climate Watch has been adapted from crowdsourced content across the web to align with our focus on global sustainability stories.All images used are sourced from Canva Library.

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