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India Climate and Development Partners’ Meet to focus on subnational climate action

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Focus on subnational climate action

The India Climate and Development Partners’ Meet is an annual gathering of thought leaders and change-makers in the climate sector focused on driving subnational climate action. It aims to foster cross-learning amongst stakeholders and help scale up successful examples. The Partners Meet brings together India’s state governments to reflect upon challenges and new opportunities for more excellent climate adaptation and resilience in collaboration with India’s private sector, civil society, and financial institutions. Representatives from financial institutions, businesses, think tanks, climate start-ups, women, youth, and community groups pushing for climate action across different domains also attend the conference.

This year, the India Climate and Development Partners’ Meet shall focus on climate financing leadership and innovation, alongside exploring themes like technology in climate action, sustainable cooling, and coastal resilience.

Venue Details
Events Details
Date :
19 February 2024
Time :
All day
Categories :
The World Bank

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