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In 2023, four regional climate weeks will take place to generate momentum for COP28.

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In preparation for COP28 and the global stocktake, four Regional Climate Weeks will be held this year to bring together regional stakeholders and identify effective strategies to address climate change. The events aim to chart a better course for the future and present regionally applicable plans at COP28 in Dubai.

The following Regional Climate Weeks are confirmed:

  • Africa Climate Week (ACW 2023), Nairobi, 4-8 September. Hosted by the government of Kenya, this event will be organized in parallel with the African Climate Action Summit (4-6 September), also hosted by Kenya.
  • Middle East and North Africa Climate Week (MENACW 2023), Riyadh, 9-12 October, and hosted by the government of Saudi Arabia.
  • Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week (LACCW 2023), Panama City, 23-27 October, hosted by the government of Panama.
  • Asia-Pacific Climate Week (APCW 2023) will also take place in the second half of 2023, with the venue and dates announced shortly.

Regional Climate Weeks have been scheduled in four regions for 2023. The events aim to bring together stakeholders to identify regional solutions and strategies for addressing climate change and will be held in Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific regions.

Image Credit: UN Climate Change

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Date :
04 September 2023
Time :
All day
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