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Climate Watch provides valuable climate news information and insights on climate change to facilitate informed decision-making and action.
How it works?
Climate Watch uses data visualization, analytics, and interactive features to present comprehensive and up-to-date climate news information.
What you will get?
Users gain access to data on emissions trends, vulnerability assessments, and climate action plans to better understand and address climate-related challenges.
Good news for Climate Tech Startups
To make it simple for investors to participate in climate innovation firms, the venture capital firm Climate Angels has created unique syndicates. The syndicates …
Time now for India’s first plastic project
The first company to list an Indian plastic project (India’s first plastic project) under a global accreditation standard is EKI Energy Services, a developer …
India’s first agri-tech player joins global EV 100 initiative
WayCool joins the EV100 program of the global non-profit Climate Group, becoming the first food and agritech company in India to do so. By …
Does India have the greatest untapped Electric vehicle market in the world?
Everything appears to be rising-Temperatures, cost of living and tensions, health concerns-and over all -human needs. Maslow’s hierarchy appears to have done a double …
These articles in Climate Watch has been adapted from crowdsourced content across the web to align with our focus on global sustainability stories.All images used are sourced from Canva Library.